Study Abroad Process
Initial Advising
Define your objective:
At the beginning of the study abroad process, you should consider your reasons for studying abroad. Students intending to study abroad are recommended to visit the Global Education Office to discuss the options available, and to find the best match for you.
However, students who have already decided on the host university or program they wish to enroll can start their journey by going through the application process in chronological order.
If you wish to proceed into the process, FIRST you must login or create an account on the Global Education Office website. You MUST complete all the categories of information in order for your account to be successfully saved.
Study Abroad Requirements
Students who are planning to study abroad should understand that they must fulfill the requirements before they leave or depart for the study abroad program.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Completed 60 college credits by the time of departure
- Obtained a 2.75 GPA
- Must be current full-time DUC student
- Be in good academic and personal standing
- Minimum requirements must be met in order for GEO office to process student's application.
Other Requirements:
- Must Complete Pre-Departure orientation before date of departure with Global Education Office
- Must complete Host University Application and submit by due date (due date varies by university)
- Must have submitted and completed all forms through DUC before departure (Authorization to take courses off campus, academic advising session, pre-departure forms, etc)
- Must check requirements for traveling into another country (visa, passport, insurance card, etc)
Study Abroad Application Process
Filling out the study abroad application form:
Students intending to participate in Dominican Study Abroad are required to complete the Application Form
To complete the Application Form the student must currently have an online account with the Global Education Office. If you haven't already created a Study Abroad account online, create your account.
In order for you to access the study abroad Application Form you must login to your account. The Approval Form will appear in the "Online Forms" column once you actually "Apply" for a certain program or university.
**Students must complete ALL areas of the application before we can review and process the application.
**Must complete study abroad application by due date.
- Fall: September 1st
- Spring: February 1st
- Academic Year: September 1st
All Students must order 2 official transcripts and have them sent to the study abroad advisor in the Global Education Office.
Study Abroad Review and Acceptance
Review of the Application Form entails the following:
1. If the applying student have submitted all the needed documents:
- Completed Study Abroad Application
- Two completed and signed recommendation forms
- Transcript report from National Student Clearinghouse Website!
- Have completed 60 credits.
- Have met GPA requirements.
- Submitted Personal Essay
2. Approval or Follow Up:- Before approval applicants will be contacted for a short interview.
- Applicants must have disciplinary clearance from the University before being approved to study abroad.
- Students/applicants will be contacted when they have been approved.
- Students/applicants will be contacted if their application documents are incomplete or if the documents need further clarification.
Funding Study Abroad
Apply for scholarships:
While your application is being reviewed, you should start applying for these available scholarships.
Fill out budget sheet:
Any Student receiving Federal Financial Aid – including student loans, grants and personal scholarships – can use it towards their study abroad when they make appropriate arrangements, by making an appointment with DUC Financial Aid.
Host University or Affiliated Program Application
When a student is Approved by DUC, he/she will then be required to complete the host university or affiliated program application.
*Note: Applicant MUST be approved by DUC Global Education Office BEFORE he or she starts filling out the host institution application.
If student/applicant is Approved:
Applicant will be notified by an advisor from the Global Education Office that he or she has been accepted by DUC to study abroad. Once notified, student must follow all instructions given by the advisor. Instructions will include how to get the host university application form and other needed forms.
Completed Host University applications are required to be uploaded to your profile (if possible).
If you have any questions feel free to the Global Education Office for assistance.
Completing Your Study Abroad Course Approvals
Students should be aware of the following:
- When asking Department Chairs (History dept chair for History course, etc.) to approve courses that will be taken abroad you must present the description and/or syllabus for each course- if neither is available contact your study abroad advisor for further instruction.
- Once abroad some courses that you may have received approval for may not be offered at your host institution. You may take courses that have not been previously signed off on your Authorization form but you must inform the DUC Study Abroad Advisor of the change.
- You must be registered for the equivalent of 12 units/full time while abroad.
- Your grade point average (GPA) will include courses taken overseas.
- Participating in Dominican Study Abroad will not affect your residency requirement.
- You are discouraged from repeating courses taken at DUC as they will not count toward graduation.
Click on the link to view a sample of how to fill out the course approval form:
- Applicant must meet with an Academic Advisor to find courses that will transfer back to DUC for credit.
- Once you are done with your course approval form upload it to your profile.
- A PDF downloadable copy of the course approval form is available on the web.
- Carefully complete the last few preparation steps
Complete Acceptance Packet:
Each student intending to study abroad must carefully look through his/her acceptance packet, read the documents, and complete necessary forms. Study abroad advisors at the center for global education and exchange will be available to assist in completing your packet.
Pre-Departure Orientation:
Pre-departure orientation must be taken a semester prior to studying abroad.
Complete Pre-Departure Packet:
Before leaving for your study abroad destination, the applicant MUST complete these pre-departure forms.
1.) First you have to print the following documents.
- Risk and Release Form
- Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) Form
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Form
- Medical Insurance Certification
- Permission to Use Photographic Images
2.) Fill out the forms/documents.
3.) Sign all documents that require your personal signature and/or other signatures/approval.
4.) Upload electronic copies of all the forms to your profile.
5.) Submit/send the package to the Global Education office